
  1. Research Assistant

    Atlas Energy Group, LLC

    DOE Research Project on Geothermal Resources

    Responsibilities include:

    • Numerical modeling of shallow crustal heat flow and geothermal gradient
    • Data analysis
    • Assist writing reports
  2. Digital Twinning Specialist

    Computational Research Center (CRC), University of North Dakota (UND)

    Photogrammetry and/or 3D LASER scanning of physical objects for 3D digital object modeling

    Responsibilities include:

    • Use of Agisoft Metashape Pro for 3D digital object modeling
    • Export of 3D digital object model files to formats compatible with Sketchfab and 3D printing
    • Support development of Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR) simulations for training and research
  3. Research Assistant

    Harold Hamm School of Geology & Geological Engineering (HHSGGE), University of North Dakota (UND)

    Photogrammetry of mineral and rock specimens for 3D digital object modeling

    Responsibilities include:

    • Use of Agisoft Metashape Pro for 3D digital object modeling of mineral and rock specimens
    • Export of 3D digital object model files to formats compatible with Sketchfab and 3D printing
    • Maintenance of 3D digital object models and minerals and rocks database in Sketchfab


  1. Ph.D. Candidate, Geology

    University of North Dakota

    Dissertation on [unannounced super-secret topic]. Supervised by Will Gosnold. Working on completion of dissertation.

    Courses included:

    • Isostasy and Flexure of the Continental Lithosphere
    • Cold Region Hydrologic Modeling
    • Advanced Techniques in GIS
    • Remote Sensing
    • Field Methods & Analysis
    • Introduction to Statistics
    • Computer Science I & II
  2. GISc., Geography

    University of North Dakota

    Courses included:

    • Introduction to GIS
    • Advanced Techniques in GIS
    • Remote Sensing
    • Field Methods & Analysis
  3. M.S., Geology

    University of North Dakota

    Thesis on paleogeothermal gradient of Williston Basin, ND. Supervised by Will Gosnold. Presented posters at 2 conferences.

    Courses included:

    • Heat Flow
    • Geothermics I
    • Geothermics II
    • Geomechanics
    • Reservoir Geophysics
    • GIS & T in the Geosciences
    Read Thesis
  4. B.S.G., Geology

    The University of Alabama

    Courses included:

    • Mineralogy
    • Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology
    • Sedimentology & Stratigraphy
    • Structural Geology
    • Geophysics
    • Invertebrate Paleontology
    • Hydrogeology
    • Environmental Isotopes (Gr.)
    • Visual Presentation for Geologists
    • Field Course
  5. B.S., Chemistry & Biology (DM)

    The University of Alabama

    Courses included:

    • General Chemistry I & II
    • Elementary Organic Chemistry I & II
    • Elementary Physical Cemistry
    • General Physics with Calculus I & II
    • Calculus I
    • Calculus II
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills
Borehole Temperature Logging
Stationary Divided Bar Apparatus
Portable Divided Bar Apparatus
Gamma Ray Spectrometry
Numerical Modeling
Shallow Seismic Studies
Data Science
3D LASER Scanning
3D Animation Files in Metashape Pro
Writing & Editing
Proposals and Papers
Video Content Production
Website Management with Hugo Blox
Project Management
Drinking Coffee
Zero-based Budgeting
Hiking & Camping
Rock Climbing
HAM Radio
Computer Building & Upgrading
Board Games
Data Manipulation with Pandas
DataCamp ∙ Present
pandas is the world’s most popular Python library, used for everything from data manipulation to data analysis. In this course, I am learning how to manipulate DataFrames, as I extract, filter, and transform real-world datasets for analysis. Using pandas, I am exploring all the core data science concepts. Using real-world data, including Walmart sales figures and global temperature time series, I am learning how to import, clean, calculate statistics, and create visualizations—using pandas to add to the power of Python.
Intermediate Python
DataCamp ∙ October 2023
I learned to visualize real data with Matplotlib’s functions and got acquainted with data structures such as the dictionary and pandas DataFrame. I discovered how dictionaries offer an alternative to Python lists, and why the pandas dataframe is the most popular way of working with tabular data. In the second chapter of this course, I found out how you can create and manipulate datasets, and how to access them using these structures. Hands-on practice throughout the course built my confidence in each area. As I progressed, I looked at logic, control flow, filtering and loops. These functions work to control decision-making in Python programs and help to perform more operations with data, including repeated statements. I finished the course by applying all of those skills by using hacker statistics to calculate the chances of winning a bet.
See certificate
Introduction to Python
DataCamp ∙ September 2023
In the Introduction to Python course, I learned about powerful ways to store and manipulate data, and helpful data science tools to begin conducting my own analyses. I learned how to use Python to work with data, create visualizations, and perform statistical analysis.
See certificate